2013 : A Year in the Making

I just turned 35 years old. I happen to be a pretty nostalgic gal, so sometimes the transition of a birthday comes with that good ol’ bittersweet feeling. It’s not that I’m sad to get older because actually I love the age I am and I feel like I’m getting to know myself better with each passing year. Rather, it’s a nostalgic feeling more like my recent move from Panama to Guatemala – excitement for the changes to come and adventures ahead, but a mutual sadness and reluctance to say goodbye to all the memories, moments, and experiences behind me. So, to do those memories proper justice and to prepare for all I want to accomplish in the coming year, I have a tradition that I’ve developed with Juan over the years. This tradition is my way of sending the last year and age into the past with love and gratitude for what I’ve learned and how I’ve changed, while envisioning what I want to “manifest” itself in the year to come. I am a huge believer in living with positive intentions and being aware of not only my actions but my thoughts, because those thoughts eventually become form. I try to be as conscientious as I can about how I choose to live my life. In the process I think I say “yes” to more things and I feel a bottomless appreciation for all the amazing people and opportunities that are constantly presented to me.

Imagine a busy restaurant, a lively buzz of music and conversation. Warm atmosphere, good energy, soft light, a bottle of wine on the table and a delicious meal, with nowhere else to be but there. Depending on what materials we can muster, Juan and I begin the annual List of Life, usually on the back of a paper menu or using a large corner of the white paper that covers whatever bistro table we’re sitting at. As Juan scribbles down a few numbers (at my most recent birthday dinner for example) 34, 35, and 40, I begin to think and imagine, remember and reflect. It starts with listing all the things that stand out to me from my 34th year; good, bad, difficult, surprising. Next it’s 35, the year to come. I list all the things I hope to realize, accomplish, experience, and complete. Lastly, we skip 5 years ahead (40) to a longer term vision and once more, on a broader scale, I list all the things that I imagine and hope my life will be made up of by the time I’m 40. It usually takes up all of our time during the dinner, it leads to conversation and laughs and debate, and most of all it is something I’ve come to look forward to on my birthday as my way of being aware of where I’ve been and where I’m going.

As 2013 and my 34th year come to a close, I can simply say that I am nothing but grateful for the adventure that I am living, for my incredible, healthy family and friends, for all the opportunity and creativity that surrounds me, for the endless possibilities that are presented to me, and for the luxury of having a choice in the matter. Beginning and maintaining this blog “The Berry and the Fox” is one of my proudest accomplishments from last year and I want to thank all of you who have read it, continue to read it, share it, comment on my work, and support this little love project of mine. It’s my way of not only being creative but archiving all the special things that make up my world and my life. Sharing it with you is the cherry on top.

So without further ado, I present to you a link below with a short video collage of all my photos and memories of 2o13 – an unforgettable year that I will remember with pure joy and gratitude.

Love and health to each and everyone of you in 2014!





  4 comments for “2013 : A Year in the Making

  1. Denise Montgomery
    January 4, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    Molly! Your pictures are stunning. Looking at them makes me feel that life is beautiful — there are good people in the world, and there is much joy to be had in fresh fruit, color, family and sandy beaches. Thank you for sharing your magnificent soul. I feel lucky to know you!


    • Molly Berry
      January 17, 2014 at 3:09 pm

      Denise, how can I really express my gratitude enough for your kind, thoughtful, sincere comment? As you know, I am putting myself (and my family and our life) out there for the world to see and at times it can be a tricky, sensitive balance. But, when I read something like what you wrote it makes me feel overwhelmed with encouragement to continue sharing the things and experiences (and photos) in my life that inspire me and make me feel alive. I am so happy to know that my sharing is of interest to you and makes you feel this way!! And most of all, I too feel incredibly lucky to know you. We’ve been kindred spirits since day 1! Lots of love:)

  2. kelly
    March 6, 2015 at 11:07 am

    Hello Molly, we don’t know each other, but I stumbled across your blog by luck. It’s quickly become my favourite and I look forward to reading one of your posts with my morning tea. I’ve just returned home after teaching in Asia for a few years, and am going through a strange adjustment/ ‘you can never go home again’ feeling. I’m coming to grips with the idea that an expat life is what I truly want, and it’s ok to raise my future children in this lifestyle. My partner Jose and I are planning a move to Mexico City to continue the journey . I’m excited and nervous to ‘do it all again’! Looking at your blog and seeing how happy and fulfilled you and your family are has given me endless amounts of motivation to pursue my dream and follow my own path. So for this, Im sending out a huge thank you! !! Keeping living your dream! Big smiles,

    • Molly Berry
      March 29, 2015 at 12:29 pm

      Hi Kelly! Although my reply is long overdue, your comment means so much to me. Thank you for not only taking the time to reach out, but for reading about living life abroad with my family. As you can see, I’m soo behind on posts. It’s never a lack of material or experiences to write about, but now with two children and a growing business, I hardly have time to think let alone sit down to write. Yikes. I hope to change that very soon though, especially considering that in some small way my writing my inspire someone else to consider a move abroad. It sounds like you are officially hooked though, so I don’t think there’s any convincing necessary:) It is fantastic to read that you and Jose will make change and try life in Mexico City – amazing! I can’t wait to follow along via Instagram (I’m following you now) and hope that you will reach out if you ever need just a little reassurance that you’re making the right decision…because if you ask me, YOU ARE. Love and thanks! Molly xx

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